Year 3

Welcome to Year 3, here you will find all of the information about our year group, as well as seeing highlights of things that we have done.

Adam Ahmed Gemili- Mr Islam

Dina Asher- Smith- Ms Kho

Curriculum Newsletter

Each term we send out a newsletter with information about what will be happening in Year 3 this term.

Homework Expectations

Here are the homework expectations at Thomas Buxton Primary School.

Homework - Pick and Mix

The teaching staff have selected some activities that will support your child with their learning this term and encourage them to become independent learners. Please make time to choose and do some of these activities with your child throughout the term.

Homework - Pupil Enrichment Passport

Activities can be completed at home and then shared at the termly Pick and Mix exhibitions.

Homework - Recommended Reading List

Homework - Spellings

Homework - Maths

These should be practiced daily at home so that children know these facts fluently.

Homework - Knowledge Organisers

Calculation Guides

These guides explain the basics numeracy tools that are used throughout the children's school life.

Calculation Policy - Addition and Subtraction

Calculation Policy - Mental Calculation Strategies

Calculation Policy - Multiplication and Division


Children should complete tasks on Mathletics to earn a minimum of 1000 participation points. Once they have earned 1000 points, they will receive a Bronze certificate.

When a child earns 5 Bronze certificates, they receive a Silver certificate, and when they have earned 4 Silver they will receive a Gold certificate.

Children can only earn one certificate of each colour once a week.

5 Bronze certificates = 1 Silver certificate
4 Silver certificates = 1 Gold certificate

Home Learning Links

The websites will help you learn at home. If you'd like more suggestions for websites which provide useful support and resources you'll find them on our Links page.

Year 3 Highlights