Tower Hamlets Education Wellbeing Service (THEWS)

THEWS is a service in Tower Hamlets which helps to improve wellbeing for children and young people.

THEWS has three key aims:

  • To help children and young people aged 5-19 years old to get earlier access to wellbeing and mental health support
  • To help schools to promote wellbeing in school
  • To work alongside and link in with other services providing wellbeing and mental health support

What THEWS can offer?

  • Parent led support for parents who are concerned about early signs of anxiety or behavioural difficulties in their child. This can be delivered via- 1:1 sessions, workshops or group sessions
  • Signposting to other services and support and help getting in contact with them
  • Workshops on a variety of topics related to emotional and mental wellbeing in children

How to get support?

Ask for a THEWS referral form from the school office, complete and return to the office FAO Inclusion Manager.

Our education wellbeing practitioner is in school once a week (speak to the phase leader, SENCO or inclusion manager for further details).