Year 6 Performance - The X Factory

The year 6 team are proud to present their end of year production called The X Factory.

Ofset are threatening to close their school, unless they can prove that they are more than average.

Put your feet up, get the popcorn ready and enjoy the show!


Yoel F.
Although I am in St francis still we are doing that play this year and goodbye Primary


From a year 9 perspective, I was so short ;-;. Anyway, I miss year 6.

wys ym mans in year 9

Yaqub Y6 FP

ur nan
this was fun

I am doing this play on 13th July I believe and I'm Ms Grimshaw, hope I do well and its a really funny script in my opinion for my year 6 year ( including me in the year )

Isa M
looking back at this in year 8 realising how fun it was in primary…man i miss those days!

maria :).
This was fun, amazing work

I'm looking back on this and crying rn.....

Bruno F
Good bye Y6

Mikayeel W's Dad
Great work everyone. Well done to the team for this light entertainment. Enjoy the holiday.

Good job everyone. Well done bant and beck!

sakeenah Gandhi class y4
Well done I love it.

thank you all (Miss Dankwa, Mr Hodges and Mr Hunter most) for this fantastical performance. There were a few mental breakdowns, but the result was EPIIC!!!!!

Well done Kapenick class, what a fantastic performance!

This was fun, this is my new official highlight of my primary school years

Mrs Flanagan
Oh Year 6! You did an absolutely fabulous job with this show. I am so proud of you all, the singing was spot on and you really made me laugh. You are right there is no such thing as ‘average’. You are truly outstanding.

Inaya M
This was pressuring but fun

Enayah Yr 6 Ali
This made me laugh so much🤣I’m going to miss everyone in yr 6

I’m going to miss year 6

Aayan A year 10
This is so funny have fun in year 7 everyone

Tania A
Super........ mind-blowing.....

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