Year 6: The Lion King

As Year 6 prepare to move on to secondary school they gave us one final performance, and it was brilliant!

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Are you leaving Thomas Buxton this year? Or maybe you have a message for those leaving us? We'd love to hear from you in the comments...


Where is the video? It’s a lovely memory to look back on. Put the video back.

Muaz in Caribous
Miss this school so much, those times were the most treasured moments in my life. Miss everyone is well. I was the little monkey lol XD. That as an awesome performance and I hope to return to the school for visiting :).. well after this lock-down of COVID-19. Stay safe everyone.

.. Can't believe its been 6 years since. Its now 2020, I hope everyone is managing with the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic. I was sat at the back of the stage that day doing nothing. I'm now studying A-levels at sixth-form, how far life has gone. Ngl looking back those days were priceless. Tanzil - Camels (still remember my old class name.)

Big Lad Mihoub
I was little Simba

Mrs Flanagan
Hello lovely people! So glad you are keeping in touch via the website. You are all part of the TBP community wherever you are and whatever you are doing now. It is still a great place to be, for children and adults and that is thanks to all that you brought to the school. Each year at the end of the Leavers’ Show, I always say “you are the best Year 6 EVER !” and it is always true. Somehow you inspire the younger children to live up to your example, and they always do. Stay in touch and come back to see us again.

Ria Caribous
Oh wow, I didn't realise this was still here :D It seems like just yesterday we performed that, and now we're all heading to Year 9! I hope everyone is doing really good :) I'm looking forward to visiting in the future!

Inaaya (whales)
I think it was amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing when you guys put it all together.

sanjida meerkats

Sanjidah begum caribous
Hi TBPS miss you so much! Secondary is hard, I miss my friends and Miss John. I'm waiting to see the new yr 6 leavers show. Good Luck new yr 6 .

Saima Ria
Hi guys! miss you all sooo much! I can still remember that day! But I'm so used to being in secondary now I forgot so much :( but I will always remember all of you!! Take care every one! :D

Raisa in meerkats
Wow, I really enjoyed that. Well done to yr6 and all the staff that took part in this mind-blowing performance

Sumayyah Binthey
😭 I cried my head off, I'm still here guys! Love u and miss u guys keep in touch if you wanna xx 😘 Tbh I cant wish for a better teachers or a primary.. Remember I won't forget you especially Ms John

Abida - camels
Miss TBPS so much, wish I could go back to year 6 for a final time. And miss everyone there. The performance was great, would do it all over again...

I miss yr 6 soooo much and TBPS. I miss all my friends Samia, Amatullah, Samiyah, Florida, Mahira etc and all my teachers. I wish I could repeat yr 6 again. I'm soooo sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭💧😪😪😪😪😪😪

I miss T.B. P.S I miss I was in yr 6 and a big thank you to all the staff :)

maisha sharks
even if i had been in this school last year that was cool. in September ill be in year 8 but i miss thomas buxton i wish i could repeat the year or have a thomas buxton high school. good luck year 6. be prepared for secondary school. the doom! it was hard for me but you will be fine.

TBPS is the best school ever

Maryam - camels
America, wow have fun

We made it work!! I miss u lot!! Might go america👏👏👏😆😆

Loved the show great work I'm an student who left but I still watched the show and its amazing. I love the costumes . Well Done.

Well done guys

Miss M Akther
I didn\'t get to watch the live show but can\'t stop watching it on here!! Brill, well done.

Joya Ahmed
Thanks to all the teachers at TB we was able to perform such a amazing leaver show. WE WILL MISS YOU THOMAS BUXTON :)

Mashrur- Caribous
I am very happy that I was the Older Simba and I am very proud of my self and everybody. Well Done Lads. Mufasa, Scar, Zazu, Little Simba, Rafiki, Hyenas, Sarabi, Timon, Pumbaa AND ME!! (Older Simba)

I liked the young simba but it\'s sad that it\'s the last year6 performance

Well done year 6 your performance was the best I have ever seen.You did a stunning performance well done!

Mashrur- Caribous
Well done lads we all did very well. We showed \'em what were made of. :)

Mahirul in caribous
This performance was brilliant!!!! I really in joyed acting as Mufasa from the Lion King. It was really fun

maryam hussain in camels
thanks we did work hard and thanks to all our teachers it was 1 of the most best performances....

Ms Elliott

Well done year 6 that lion king performance was the best year 6 performance ever! Well done Camels and Caribous class and staff and parents.

Maryam hussain
Thanks so much we have worked hard is well and thanks to the teachers it was the best performance !!!!!

Mrs Uddin
Thoroughly enjoyed that performance! Lion King is one of my favourite films and you guys did a fantastic rendition of it! Well done!

Muaz in caribous
Fabulous performance. Great job.

Mr Leigh
I have taught in this school for ten years and that was the BEST performance I have seen! Congratulations on seeing all your hard work come together so well!

Nousheen in koalas
I loved the solo singing

Omar in ants
Cool performance

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