Year 6 Leavers Show 2023


sarrah in year seven used to be in de la mere y6
i miss primary so much! i remember this, the practises were so fun because we missed lessons and our singing was best at those times and had extra breaks! year 6 was definitely my favourite year of primary

Isha K (in y7 now and used to be in WDLM Y6)
I’m doing jack and the beanstalk (again) at my new school and I got cast as jack!!!! It’s so crazy to believe that this was only one year ago, I miss the memories :,)

faeza(used to be in yr 6)
i miss everyone!! hope u all are doing well :)

Isha (used to be in WDLM)
AHHH I just watched this and I remembered all of it.I hope everyone is doing ok now at secondary :) I loved performing this and I hope the current year 6’s have fun doing theirs too :D

MIKAEL .Rahman y4
Wow, very impressive, I was live to see you guys

Yusrah B.
Ahhhhhh I loved this

sarrah- was in yr 6 now yr 7
i miss everyone smm

Maiya-old WDLM y6 student-
WOW.I miss my old class.

idk if u remember but i dont recognise ANYY of you

sahla ❤️
best show! miss everyone ❤️

zarah - ex y6 pupil
i loved our leavers show!! i miss everyone and best of luck to everyone

Gareth IHM
This is a test of the comments

Mehdi y6 milligan
Love being the giant

Good show

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