Goodbye Year 6


I am soooooooooo sorry
for you😭

I miss Year 6! Thank you for everything we have done in school. I hope I get to see everyone again!!

Sara -Mendel
I still miss you all so much ?????

I miss all you guys sooooo much wish I could stay with you in tbp for longer ?????I won't forget you and all the great times we've had my last few favourite trips like residential(moose alpaca!), tgi fridays and the theatre, southend adventure island, chessington (can't believe I got 100% attendance!), orbit slide and sooo much more. Huge thanks to Mrs Flanagan for making this all possible and all, the staff at school for all you have done for us especially to miss chau for planning our last year in tbp you made it the best it could possibly be ? miss every one sooooooo much! Hope to see every one at the yr 6 and 7 picnic
Don't forget me ?

I wish I could start from nursery again and work my way up to yr6 again. Thank you Mrs Flanagan for the confidence you have given us we will miss you and thank you to the teachers and TAs for supporting us and helping us. We will never forget Thomas Buxton we will always come to visit thank you.

Mrs Flanagan
Oh Year 6! We miss you already. Thank you for being a wonderful group of individuals who tried your best at everything you encountered. You are also a supportive group who looked out for each other all the way through the year and indeed throughout your time at TBP. We faced challenges together and enjoyed the triumphs together too. Come back and see us for the Y6 and Y7 picnic when you have found your feet in your new schools and are ready to inspire the new Year 6. Are you ready for Year7? All together now......

Well done year six you did brilliant and I will miss you


Yaay we left
50% happy 50% sad

I miss primary so much best 8 years of my entire life (I haven't lived that long) I miss everyone and wish the best future to everyone

Well done year 6

Miss y'all this is so sad to watch I can't believe we're going 2 secondary don't forget me??????

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