Anti-Bullying Week 2018 - Nursery


hello i love making vidoes

Umar Miah’s mum
How cute! So much love.. let’s keep spreading that.

Sultana- Ayyads Aunt
Well done ayad and all his friends. This is a great video.

So much love! Bless you dear Umar Abubakr and friends

Bilal's mum
Aww this is so cute well done Nursery class!

Uncle Forhad
Great to see Umar Abubakr and all the little stars ⭐️ Having a wonderful friendship :)

Umar Abubakr’s Dad
Great show of friendship! Well done my little hug monster Umar & friends ??

well done Ayyad and his class, excellent video

Well done Ayad and friends!

Najmin-Umars Aunti
They are sooo cute.Well done to Umar baba and all of his cute friends..❤️❤️

Auntie Anika
super hero Ayyad always impressing me with your charms
love u loads

Ayaad's grandma
I am very proud of you Ayaad and your friends keep your spirits up guys . You looked like you were having so much fun so beautiful.WONDERFUL

Auntie Hanifa
Ayyad my protector you protecting your school friends
Proud off you baba

So much love, great friendship

Uncle Jahangir
Super boy Ayyad as always taking care of everyone top man
Keep up the good works

You are all so cute and kind to each other. It reminds me of nursery. You've got a friend in me

Babul Akhtar
Good job Umar Abubakr :) and the rest of the children

Khadija aktar umar abubakars' aunty
Well done uamr, we are really proud of you. Here is big hug for you ?. It's reallly nice to see how children heaving fun .it's a a good way to teach kids to live this world peacfullly with no boundaries . Well done nursery .keep up your good work.

Keep up the good work

Uncle Rob
well done Umar and Ayyad great video

Aysha Lima Umar Abubakr’s Mum
Well done to Umar & friends. Keep up the warmth of friendship and have lots of fun ❤️❤️

Zakariya’s Aunt
Well done Zakariya and friends! Such a lovely video ?

Jhorna umars auntie
Well done umar I love the hugs that u was given to all ur friends so proud of ur hard work keep it up

Zakariya & friends did a fantastic job with the video! Well done kids!

Rupia, Ayyad and Umars Auntie
Welldone to the nursery. Ayyad and Umar hugging each other? too cute. Well done.

Well done Ayad and friends. Auntie is so proud of you! Ayana said well done too xx Your a great role model for your little sister!

awww amazing well done nursery..

Well done to ayyad and his friends, what a great video

Ayyad my hero daddy’s so proud of you and all your friends in your school
Keep up with your good social skills
My gurdian Angel

Well done kids! Great work!

Aww soo cute, well done all !!

Aleef (The Uncle)
Well done Ayad and all your friends. You have shown us how to b friends, you made us all proud, Zoha said welldone. X

Ayyads aunty
Well done, a great way to start nursery. Keep up the good friendship.

Ayyad friends & teachers
Great team work
Very proud of you all

Luca's Mummy
Well done nursery for making new friends!

Awww they all look sooo cute together

That was very nice nursery class.. yous look like you had so much fun!! I wish I could be that age again and have so much fun

Well done nursery you all are friend nice to see thats

Ruba - Ifra's mum
Great work kids!!!! I'm liking the hugs ?

liyanah haniyahs sister

Ms Zinath Begum
Wonderful to see all the friends in Nursery. Well done.

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