Anti-Bullying Week 2017 - Year 1


Isha (Was in this class now in year 6)
I remember filming this awww ❤️

Samiul samiul samiul
I really really really really really really really like the video year one

It was very good. Well done.

Aniya's mum n dad
It's really nice.

I love that you did it in a class

Nice video !kids are so cute.I love this message !

They are lovely dancing monsters!

Tanzeem mum
Well done year 1 .This is fantastic video it makes me so happy.......?

Adam. Ibrahim H's Brother
Amazing! I can't believe that you made this video. Good job Thailand.

Mrs Smith
Amazing video what a great message. Keep it up !

Safwan’s brother
Good job year 1!

So nice

Zarah's mom
Well done to year 1....
Keep up the good work?

Ibrahim T’s mom
Amazing video !
Great Team Work ?.
year 1 has shown a tremendous energy in their every moves. They can surely remove any kind of bully together .

Mrs Begum
Fantastice video, children all intergrated to beat the bullies, well done kids ???Very pleased.

Enaya mum
They all looks so cute...?

well done


Ishas brother
Fantastic video guys!

Ishas mum
Its so amazing to see all the children supporting anti-bullying!

Isha's Sister
Well done everyone!!!!! That had a very beautiful message and really shows the true meaning of fun and friendship! Keep up the good work!

Isma Rahman
I love it and im in it

What an AMAZING video... Well done everyone!!

Safwan’s sister
Well done Year 1! The video was lovely! :)

Lively bunch of happy looking children conveying a very important message... well done all!!

Well done year 1, You are all amazing.

Awe such a wonderful video. Well done Yr 1

Well done yr 1, enjoyed the video

best video

Chaildren very happy. Very jolly video.

Such a lovely video and message!

Well done yr 1, enjoyed the video

well done

the video is so nice. very good team work well done.

Wonderful video. Well done to the staff and the children.

Imran Ali
Fantastic video. They all seem so happy.Well done!

Amazing to see children are being educated about this from a young age. Keep up the good work!

Well done kids! Great video :)

Kid's are so cute and very friendly

Safwan's Mum
Well done year 1 for the lovely video!

Nadia Jazaerli
Beautiful video! Well done year 1!

Saniyah and Adyan (Ishaaq's cousins)
Wow, how amazing, this one is really good! So CUTE! Hope you guys win!!!!

Thailand I will make sure that you win and also my class Kenya :}

Sahla's Mum
I absolutely love this

What an amazing video!

Lovely smiles :)

Kids are so beautiful :) Nice video!!!

Cam Dunbar
Such happy little beings spreading joy and love-

Toshiko Takagi
Children's smile was cute and precious. Watching this video, we can feel that getting along with someone is fun, important, and necessary for our life. I enjoyed this video!

Well done to the children!

Great message conveyed through this video! Well done kids for being apart of such a good cause :)

What a great video and message!!! Great job Year 1! You're all so cute, too!

Video looks really good. Well done to year 1!

Emi Suto
Thank you for being a friend

Miss Dickson
Year 1 what a fantastic video with a brilliant message! Well done to you all! X

We like watching this video

Razaul ali
Fantastic Video, Well done Year 1!

Najma Rashid
What a lot of happy faces! Well done year 1's you were great.

it was so fun ;]

Adorable children and awesome video! I enjoy and like it!

annan cuba
well done

Awesome video depicting a powerful message! Well done =)

Every chldren are deserved to be loved by their loved one just being themselves. This video reminds me that!

Suguru Igari
That was great!

Very nice video

P. McManus
The kids were very cute and full of energy! Great friendship and anti-bulling video!

Well done year 1. Fantastic video ????????????????

Mrs Flanagan
Wow year 1! What a great group of friendly children you all are. I love the upbeat message about being a good friend to everyone - this is such a good reminder whatever age we might be. Well done.

Such a positive message conveyed by such great kids :)

This is fantastic. Well done Class 1

Great video on showing how positive and happy children are with their friends. Well done to the teaching team and the children.

Megumi H.
Love this video! filling with love.

Mitsue Kakizaki
Fun to see the video! I'm for the message that bullies should not be allowed at schools! Drive away bullies with friendship power!!

Melissa Berry
This video makes me Happy, well done year 1????

Bryan J.
Wonderful video. What a great way to reinforce appreciation and respect at young age!

Pat Conaway
Non stop love and friendship.

Mari Kaw
It's very nice and KAWAII!!


Salma Begum
Fantastic video! :)

What a lovely, positive view of happy children respecting and caring for each other and working and playing together. Well done to the teaching team for your guidance and hard work.

Great video, well done to year 1 and staff!

Jonica Miguel
What an adorable bunch! Stick together and say no to bullying!

Mrs Doi-President
Year 1, FANTASTIC!! This video brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you for sharing and spreading your joy to make a stand against bullying.

Well done Year 1. What a fantastic video and what a great message you have shared.

Rezwana Khanom
Totally adorable!

Iffath Nowrin
Great video

Ms Bibi
Nice dance moves year 1. You really do respect everyone's right to join in and play with friends (UNCRC article 15)!

You did great

So cute

Wow! Great energy and dancing from everyone!

Mrs Milne’s Dad
Great video, great message and really well done year one

Faiza Mexico
Very good teamwork well done

Mrs Milne’s mum
Fabulous video and the music is perfect. Well done Children !

Well done

Ms Alom
Lovely to see Year 1 having so much fun and showing how loving they are as friends.

Adyan's sister
The video was so touching.

Adyan's sister
this video is so cute!!

Ms Z Begum
Best Entry

Mrs Milne
What fabulous singing and dancing Year 1. You have such great friendship skills to beat those bullies! Well done!

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